Also at the same time, the book The Laws of simplicity, by John Maeda - graphical artist, computer scientist and professor at the MIT in the States, promotes the S.H.E principle as the future of product design. He says that we should Shrink our products, Hide the technology and complexity and Embody the product with weight to add percieved value.
"Perfect examples of this philosophy, is the iPhone by Apple and myway by Daylightagain!"
WGSN - The global leader for style trend analysis
"We think myway, by Daylightagain is great, combining an innovative idea with simplicity of design in a product that could prove to be a huge benefit to those out on the slopes."
Here you can download some of what´s been published so far about myway on the Internet. The files are in pdf.

Hi-res pictures

Photos by Max Mutzhas
